Monday, December 29, 2008

I just don't think I'll ever be a consistent blogger.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me

I've forgotten how much music influences the way that I feel. Until it was 4am this morning & A was crying hysterically, I ran and got my iPod & turned on what I thought was his favourite song of the moment - Wonderwall. (He seems to like it when we sing it around him, especially when doing a diaper change ... calms him down & he sings along).

I don't believe that anybody
feels the way I do about you now

Though cranky, though so tired,
I live for moments like these.

But please, try & stop waking up at 4am, please?

Monday, December 1, 2008

sheer joy

I love time before 'let's get ready for bedtime'.

I nursed you at 7:10pm & you were in bed by 7:45pm.
I haven't had to go back and soothe you since.
This is amazing.

On another note,
I'm slacking, really slacking on my 'December daily' album. I hope that the days to follow to be better! I can already feel the month getting busy. The joy of Christmas.

night number 3

I was so ready to post the success of our trials of Saturday night, but decided to spend some well-needed quality time with Ryan! & by quality time, I mean watching DEXTER :)

Night number 3
It's getting easier. Your schedule all day was out of control. (I think it's because when Ryan's home, I get a little more lenient and relaxed & everything is not so go-go-go, do-do-do). But the evening turned out pretty good. I was afraid when you took a nap at 6pm, but when we went to wake you at 6:30pm, there you were, smiling :) (my favourite!) We ended up feeding Aiden rice cereal mixed with oatmeal before I nursed, wicked wicked idea!
He slept until 5am.
Okay so it's not my most favourite thing,
that he woke up at five, BUT NOTHING BEATS STRAIGHT SLEEP!